Monday, March 16, 2009

I'm the new Miss NH ANTSO National Miss!

On Saturday, March 14, 2009 I was very fortunate to have been crowned Miss New Hampshire ANTSO National Miss 2009. As I embark on this new chapter of my life I would like to take the opportunity to share with everyone how grateful I am for this experience and how dedicated I am to my goal of making New Hampshire proud.

A little over a year ago my good friend ( and predecessor) Ashley Schoonmaker was crowned Miss New Hampshire ANTSO National Miss 2008. Since her March coronation, I eagerly followed her travels, appearances, and journey to Nationals in Nashville Tennessee, both cheering her on and at the same time, wondering if this program would an ideal fit for me. It did not take me long to discover that the America's National Teenager Scholarship Organization (ANTSO) was the perfect fit for me and my academic (okay, perhaps a bit nerdy) aspirations. The more I learned about the state and national organization, the more impressed I became, and come last August, I was already very eager to compete in the State competition in March of 2009.

The competition went by in a flash, and I truly had the time of my life. Rarely does one of my age (24) have the opportunity to mingle with so many girls of various ages without having to be an authority figure. It was unbelievably refreshing to sit around with a bunch of teenagers and chat about life, boys, cell phones, embarrassing moments, and last year's competition. Although I was born nearly (or over) a decade before several of these girls, I was not treated any differently and for once, felt like I didn't have to worry about the job market or the fact that I'm staring my adult life in the face. It was truly a wonderful experience.

I am already very excited for nationals in Nashville Tennessee this upcoming July/August. I will be working hard in hopes to take home a significant amount of scholarship money, for I plan to return to grad school once again to obtain a PhD in Art History.

To all those affiliated with the National Teenager Scholarship Program: I am very thankful for the opportunity that has been given to me and am very eager to get my year of service off to a great start! I will not let you down!

Peace, Love, and I'm Going to Nationals...woohoo!, Erika Lehman NH ANTSO National Miss 2009

1 comment:

  1. Hey hunny!

    Congratulations on all of your accomplishments and to a great year as the new Miss New Hampshire. I know you will do great things with your title and I am excited to spend another year with such fabulous new sisters!

    Much love,
